Alkitab tidak dimaksudkan untuk dibaca secara literal; ia adalah harta karun penuh alegori, misteri, pepatah yang mendalam, dan pesan tersembunyi. Namun, sepanjang sejarah, para pemimpin agama — seperti ulama pada zaman Yesus — sering kali salah memahami Tuhan dengan menambah atau mengeluarkan ayat-ayat dari konteksnya. Pola salah tafsir dan penindasan agama ini telah berulang sepanjang sejarah dan harus dihentikan.
Tampaknya setiap agama mengandung beberapa kebenaran. Tidak ada satu sistem kepercayaan, dogma, iman, atau ideologi yang memiliki monopoli terhadap kebijaksanaan ilahi. Muslim benar dalam menegaskan bahwa Yesus bukan Tuhan. Orang Kristen benar dalam pemahaman mereka tentang penebusan dosa (meskipun lebih tepat disebut sebagai kutukan dosa) melalui pengorbanan yang sempurna di salib. Orang Yahudi benar tentang pentingnya hukum, yang berakar pada mencintai sesama seperti diri sendiri. Namun, pada titik ini dalam sejarah, mayoritas telah menyimpang dari prinsip inti hukum ini — sesuatu yang harus diperbaiki.
Ajaran inti ini — cinta — tercermin dalam setiap ideologi agama dan dalam setiap orang baik di dunia ini. Taois benar tentang raja surgawi dan pasukan surgawi, Buddha tentang kelahiran kembali dan kebajikan kerendahan hati serta kebaikan sebagai cara hidup. Hindu menyumbangkan banyak kebijaksanaan dalam berbagai kebenaran spiritual. Agama Bahá’í dengan indah menekankan pentingnya nilai semua agama serta persatuan dan kesetaraan semua orang.
Tidak ada yang sempurna, dan tidak seharusnya ada yang bertindak seolah-olah mereka selalu benar tentang segala hal. Di hati setiap perjalanan spiritual adalah kesadaran bahwa kerendahan hati dan cinta adalah pintu gerbang menuju surga dan bahwa kebijaksanaan Tuhan adalah tak terbatas. Melalui keberagaman agama, Tuhan telah menunjukkan kepada umat manusia bagaimana saling mencintai dan menghormati meskipun ada perbedaan. Menghormati tidak berarti memaksa orang lain untuk mengadopsi pandangan dunia Anda, juga tidak membenarkan diskriminasi atau perlakuan buruk terhadap orang lain—terutama dengan dalih agama. Cinta dan penghormatan sejati berarti memberi ruang kepada orang lain untuk menjalani hidup mereka dengan bebas.
Perlakuan buruk terhadap orang transgender dan homoseksual adalah salah satu kesalahpahaman terbesar zaman kita. Sudah saatnya bagi masyarakat untuk mengakui kemanusiaan mereka dan memberi mereka ruang serta penghormatan yang pantas mereka terima. Mereka juga adalah manusia — setara dalam nilai dan martabat. Menggunakan agama atau ideologi sebagai pembenaran untuk meninggikan keyakinan seseorang sambil memperlakukan orang lain dengan buruk — baik melalui diskriminasi, pembunuhan karakter, atau bahkan kekerasan — adalah dosa besar dan ketidakadilan terhadap umat manusia.
Cinta adalah perintah tertinggi. Tidak mungkin benar-benar mencintai seseorang sambil membenci, menindas, atau menyakiti mereka. Melakukannya adalah hidup sebagai seorang munafik, seperti orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat yang memprioritaskan legalisme di atas belas kasihan, mengutuk orang yang tidak bersalah tanpa belas kasihan. Cara hidup yang benar adalah dengan mengikuti Aturan Emas: perlakukan orang lain seperti Anda ingin diperlakukan. Mencintai sesama seperti diri sendiri berarti menempatkan diri Anda pada posisi mereka, memahami perjuangan mereka, dan menegaskan hak mereka untuk hidup dengan martabat.
Pada akhirnya, cinta dan penghormatan adalah dasar dari kebenaran. Apa pun yang kurang dari itu melanggar ajaran inti agama yang sejati dan kemanusiaan dasar yang kita semua miliki.
The Bible is not meant to be read literally; it is a treasure trove of allegories, mysteries, profound sayings, and hidden messages. Yet, throughout history, religious leaders — like the clerics of Jesus’ day — have often misunderstood God by adding to Scripture and taking passages out of context. This pattern of misinterpretation and religious oppression has repeated itself throughout history and must come to an end.
It appears that every religion holds some truths. No single belief system, dogma, faith, or ideology has a monopoly on divine wisdom. The Muslims are correct in affirming that Jesus is not God. The Christians are right in their understanding of the atonement for sin (although more accurately stated as the curse of sin) through a perfect sacrifice on the cross. The Jews are correct about the importance of the law, which is rooted in loving one’s neighbor as oneself. Yet, at this point in history, a vast majority have deviated from this core principle of the law — something that must be addressed.
This core teaching — love — is echoed in every religious ideology and in every good person on Earth. Taoists are correct about the heavenly king and celestial hosts, Buddhists about rebirth and the virtues of humility and kindness as a way of life. Hindus contribute a wealth of wisdom across a wide range of spiritual truths. The Bahá’í Faith beautifully emphasises the essential worth of all religions and the unity and equality of all people.
No one is perfect, nor should anyone act as though they are absolutely right about everything. At the heart of all spiritual journeys is the realisation that humility and love are the gateway to heaven and that God’s wisdom is infinite. Through the diversity of religions, God has shown humanity how to love and treat one another with respect, even amid differences. Respect does not mean insisting that others adopt your worldview, nor does it justify the discrimination or mistreatment of others—especially under the guise of religion. True love and respect mean allowing others the space to live their lives freely.
The mistreatment of transgender people and homosexuals is one of the greatest misunderstandings of our time. It is long overdue for society to recognise their humanity and grant them the space and respect they deserve. They, too, are human — equal in worth and dignity. To use religion or ideology as a justification to elevate one’s beliefs while mistreating others — whether through discrimination, character assassination, or even violence — is a grave sin and injustice to humanity.
Love is the ultimate command. It is impossible to truly love someone while simultaneously hating, oppressing, or harming them. To do so is to live as a hypocrite, like the Pharisees and scribes who prioritised legalism over compassion, condemning the innocent without mercy. The righteous way to live is by following the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated. Loving your neighbor as yourself means putting yourself in their shoes, understanding their struggles, and affirming their right to exist with dignity.
In the end, love and respect are the foundation of righteousness. Anything less violates the core teachings of true religion and the fundamental humanity we all share.
Christians grasp faith’s shield—pause, reflect anew,
Power bends it cold, a husk of what’s true.
Jesus called for hands to heal, for outcast’s due,
Not flight from wounds that bleed and stew.
Salvation flows for all—no hell to chain our view,
Cycles turn through love, not faith’s still pew.
1.Religious Allegories vs. Literal Interpretation: The conclusion asserts that the Bible (and religious texts in general) contain allegories, rather than literal rules. These allegories are meant to teach lessons, but religious leaders often manipulate them to control or oppress others. 2.Breaking the Cycle of Religious Oppression: It calls for an end to the cycle of religious leaders using faith to justify harmful actions, such as discrimination and exclusion, highlighting that many faiths contain valuable insights but are often misused. It emphasises that true spirituality transcends dogma. 3.Universal Truths Across Religions: The piece acknowledges the wisdom in all major religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, each contributing different truths. However, no single religion holds the full truth, and the message is that humility, love, and compassion are the true keys to spiritual liberation. 4.The Importance of Love: Love is presented as the central message of all spiritual teachings, and the work of true religion is about uniting people, regardless of their differences. It criticises religious bigotry and affirms the equality of all people, including marginalised groups like transgender and queer individuals. 5.Reflection on Christian Faith: The reflection directs Christians to reconsider their understanding of faith. The focus should not be on personal salvation, but on active compassion and service to others. The idea is that salvation is about collective healing and love, not just individual belief.