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每个人都知道基督教世界因宗教观点和分歧而面临的冲突。不同的团体持有不同的信仰,随着时间的推移,人和政治改变了我们今天所知的《圣经》的结果。如需更深入的了解,请阅读《早期基督教的 6 场辩论



The Bible has been compromised. Recently, two important documents surfaced that have led to significant conclusions about the current version of the Bible. These are the Dead Sea Scrolls, which date a thousand years earlier than the manuscripts from which our current biblical text is derived, and the Codex Sinaiticus. Click on the links to understand the significance of these discoveries.

Everyone knows about the conflicts the Christian world had faced off due to the religious opinions and differences. Different groups have held differing beliefs, and over time, men and politics have altered the outcome of the Bible we know today. For a deeper look, read 6 Early Christian Debates


So the big question remains. Who is right?

THE 2nd THING >>>>>



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