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撒旦,一位常被称为天使或神的超自然存在,据说曾以人的身份生活。在那段人类生命之前,他曾以海怪洛坦(Lotan)的形式存在,也就是圣经中更为人知的利维坦。(Leviathan)在迦南神话中,保存于乌加里特文献中,这条七头海龙被描述为“七头之强者”(šlyṭ d.šbʿt rašm)。圣经中这一形态的痕迹出现在《诗篇》74:14,暗示利维坦拥有多个头;在《启示录》中描述为七头龙,以及《约伯记》中对其古老史前形态的描绘。

The seventh revelation concerns reincarnation and the cycle of life. It was revealed that before we existed as humans in this lifetime, we lived as other forms of beings. Nothing in existence is ever truly new; all things have existed in one form or another, continuously transforming over time through an ongoing cycle of births and deaths. The death of one being marks the birth of that same essence in another form, state, or dimension. In this perpetual cycle, nothing truly ceases to exist—it merely transitions and evolves.


Satan, one of the gods (also referred to as an angel), is said to have once lived as a man. Before his existence as a human, he is believed to have taken the form of a sea monster named Lotan, more widely known in the Bible as Leviathan. This creature was depicted as a seven-headed sea dragon. Psalm 74:14 also suggests that Leviathan had multiple heads. The Book of Revelation describes a seven-headed dragon, while the Book of Job provides insight into Leviathan’s ancient, prehistoric form.



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